More ACEO art cards

These small paintings are a great way to practice watercolor technique. Adding just a touch of pen and ink to bring out detail. Hummingbirds are still one of my favorite subjects.

Watercolor instruction

Several artists who have YouTube channels have been helpful to me in learning further how to watercolor. Pen and Ink has been my medium of choice through my artist life but the pull of color has been coming along for a few years now. I recently found Louise De Masi a watercolor artist from Australia whose tutorials are a lot of fun and very helpful. This is one of my recent paintings combining watercolor and pen & ink.

The artists' way of seeing-

“Many artists have spoken of seeing things differently while drawing and have often mentioned that drawing puts them into a somewhat altered state of awareness. In that different subjective state, artists speak of feeling transported, “at one with the work” , able to grasp relationships that they ordinarily cannot grasp. Awareness of the passage of time fades away, and words recede from consciousness. Artist say that they feel alert and aware yet are relaxed and free of anxiety, experiencing a pleasurable, almost mystical activation of the mind.”

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

Hedgehog ACEO artist trading card

Making some new ACEO artist cards

Passing time during these dark days making some miniature original watercolor pieces. ACEO artist cards 2.5” x 3.5” available in my eBay shop.

Creating ACEO art cards

Practicing watercolor and pen & ink combination technique with little ACEO art cards lately.

What is an ACEO? ACEO means “Art Cards Editions and Originals”. These are miniature original works of art measuring 2.5” x 3.5”. Many artist are creating and selling them online and collectors are happy to have an affordable way to obtain original art.

I sell these on eBay. Here’s a look at a few from June and July: